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Sacred Medicines

Herbs & Nature-Based Ceremony

Sacred Plant Medicine, also known as Plant-Spirit Medicine, is working with plants, mushrooms, or nature with a spiritual intention. From Nature-based Rites of Passage to Plant-Spirit Journeys, there are many ways to work intentionally with nature. This page offers an overview of some of these practices and how Michelle can support you along your journey.


Michelle is a Trauma-Informed Plant-Spirit Medicine Facilitator and she has completed apprenticeships and training with ceremonial elders. Michelle also maintains a sacred relationship with nature herself, spending a great deal of time alone in nature contemplating, camping, and in ceremony. 


Plant-Spirit Ceremony

A Plant-Spirit Ceremony can involve eating, drinking, or smoking a plant (or mushroom), or it can involve connecting with a plant's energy or essence. These ceremonies often bring clarity and healing through expanding our awareness, altering our state of consciousness, or deepening our sense of connection to ourselves, each other, and the Universe. Michelle offers:


Cacao Ceremonies 

Entheogen Workshops

Plant Spirit Journeys

Psychedelic "Trip Sitting"

Integration Coaching

Learn More about Trip Sitting & Psychedelic Integration:

Herb Rituals & Nature-Based Rites

Almost every culture known has/had questing traditions and rites of passage from desert sojourns, walkabout and vision quests to medicine walks, pilgrimages and cave immersions. People who live in alignment with nature understand the value of extended time in the wild; in nature we can find belonging, cultivate self-reliance, and reconnect with a sense of purpose (as well as take a much-needed respite). Michelle can help you design a ceremony for a life transition or facilitate a nature quest or camping trip. She also offers herbal and nature-based rituals that support emotional and spiritual wellbeing such as House Blessings, Sacred Herbal Baths, and Herbal Protection Rituals.


View upcoming group ceremonies, herbal gatherings, nature events:

"I am clearing a space here, where the trees stand back. I am making a circle so open the moon will fall in love and stroke these grasses with her silver." -Morgan Farley

Plant Spirit Medicine FAQs

I'm new to all this. What do I need to know?

If you feel curious, intrigued, or called to experience plant spirit medicine, you have found a safe and welcoming space to explore, ask questions, and attend your first ceremony. Since each ceremony is different, we recommend that you read the full description of the event, noticing the theme, intention, structure, and specific plant(s) we'll be working with. If you are unsure about participating or feel nervous, reach out to learn more. No question is too weird. We want you to be fully comfortable. If you prefer to work one-on-one with Michelle, she offers private ceremonies and sessions as well.


What type of plants do you work with?

Some ceremonies include entheogens and others include plants that have restorative or deeply calming effect. Entheogens are plants that altar our state of consciousness or perception. While some entheogens like Ayahuasca, Peyote, and Psilocybin are not legal in most states, there ARE legal plants that can be powerful to work with. Some entheogens we work with include Cacao, Kava and Mugwort. Other ceremonial plants have journeyed with in the past include Sassafras, Burdock, Mullein, and Rose.


What is a Plant Spirit Medicine Guide?

A Plant-Spirit Medicine Guide prepares individuals for ceremony, facilitates or holds space for the journey, and supports the reflection and integration process. Plant-Spirit Medicine Guides have typically gone through technical/safety training, participated in several journeys themselves, as well as apprenticed with a ceremonial elder, shaman, or plant-spirit healer. 


What is a Preparation and Integration Coach?

This role has emerged due to the fact that many people are using entheogens on their own because there are not always structured programs exist to support working with them therapeutically. If you are working with a plant on your own that has psychoactive or psychedelic properties, there are several things to consider before doing so and having support during the preparation (before) and integration (after) phases can bring more intention and safety to your experience. A T&I Coach can help you think through things, crate a safety plan, and provide a safe space for reflecting on your experiences.


What is a Trip Sitter?

A Trip Sitter is someone who sits with you during your plant journey with the intention of helping you stay safe and honor your intentions. Trip Sitting is a legal, harm reduction service. You are responsible for providing the space and plant medicine yourself. Trip sitters do not source or provide plants for you, nor do they administer them. Professional Trip Sitters are trained in safety protocols, how to support someone during an intense or scary experience, crisis intervention, and non-directive support.


What training/experience does Michelle have? 

Michelle's training and experience as a Plant-Spirit Medicine (PSM) Guide includes:

Trauma-Informed PSM Facilitator Training from AYAR (including Integration Coaching and Psychedelic Journeying); 6-Month Hapé Apprenticeship with Chief Haru of Kuntanawa Nation; "Teaching Plants" Training with Hyapatia, a Cherokee Elder; and Continuing Education in Entheogenic Medicine, Nootropics, Trauma-Informed Psychedelics, and Plant Spirit Medicine Ethics.


Are entheogens safe?

The plants and herbs we work with in group ceremonies are legal and considered safe for most adults to consume. Entheogens that people are known to work with privately come with more considerations and the answer is not always a simple one. Part of any preparation phase should include reviewing your medical history, medications, and other health/wellness information to ensure your experience will be as safe as possible. With that said, no experience or journey comes without risk. It is important that you education yourself, take the preparation and safety phases of the journey seriously, and trust your own intuition throughout the process. Some ceremonies may require a waiver of liability and all ceremonies will require providing emergency contact information.


What will happen during a ceremony?

Every ceremony is different, and every person's experience in a ceremony is different. In group settings, we work to co-create a safe space, plan for safety, and prepare both our space and bodies for the journey. Some ceremonies include meditation, music, or movement. All ceremonies include interaction with a ceremonial plant in some way; this could be through drinking, smoking, or snuffing a plant or herb, or it could involve working with a spray, vapor, or energetic essence. Experiences during a journey vary greatly. Some plants offer an experience that could be described as blissful, relaxing, or euphoric. Others help us uncover insights, messages, repressed information, or wisdom; this can be liberating but perhaps emotional or painful at first. Some plants are heart-opening healers while others expand our awareness, consciousness, and sense of connection and cosmic belonging. Reading the full event description is the best way to get an idea of what will happen during a specific ceremony.


Where do the plants come from?

We only obtain ceremonial herbs and plants from sustainable, organic sources. When possible, plants are sourced from multi-generational family farms or small villages whose practices specifically honor the sacred medicine of the plant.


Are ceremonies confidential?

Private ceremonies are confidential. Attendees of group ceremonies are asked to commit to a sacred agreement of confidentiality before taking part in the experience.


Are ceremonies recorded?​

Ceremonies are NOT recorded. No one is allowed to photograph or video any part of a ceremony without explicit written permission of both the guide(s) and participants.


Is all of this legal?​

Yes. We do not provide medicines or space for journeys that are illegal. We work in group ceremonies with legal plants and mushrooms such as reishi, cacao, and rose. Michelle provides harm reduction services to those working with other plants and mushrooms. A discovery call or consultation appointment is a great way to explore this topic.


How can I participate?

Michelle offers private ceremonies by request, small group community ceremonies, and workshops. Upcoming groups and workshops can be found on the EVENTS page. 



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