Samhain Bone Dance
Ancestor Altar, Soul Cakes, Bone Dance
November 7, 2024
6:30pm-9:15pm ET
Chattanooga, Tn
​​Women Only
13 Spots | $45
Join us on astrological Samhain as we honor our ancestors and embrace the spirit of the season through storytelling, traditional soul cakes, and a candlelight ecstatic dance ritual dedicated to our deceased beloveds.
If all of this is new to you, that's okay! We promise a safe and welcoming space to learn, experiment, and dance with the season!
Our ancestors knew the powerful medicine of dance: tribes danced together before battle; village people danced after traumatic events and community losses, and healing ceremonies often included immersive drumming and dancing rituals. Cave "trance" dances and all-night ceremonies are some of the most mystical and revered rites of ancient nature-based religions and even today, people around the world gather in intentional community for ecstatic, ceremonial, and healing dances as both a balm for the spirit and to connect with ancestors and the realm of Soul. It's no coincidence that we are dancing during the week of our country's election - one of the most tense and emotional weeks of the year. I believe that our hearts, souls and nervous systems will need some extra love this week and ecstatic dance is one of my favorite ways to help my body feel, process, and release as well as renew my energy and restore my connection with my deeper self. I promise a safe and welcoming space for first time dancers and plenty of ways to stay out of the spotlight for those who like to stay out of the spotlight. ~Michelle
6:15pm: Doors Open
6:30pm: Opening Circle
*Doors Locked at 6:30pm*
6:45pm: Saining & Altar Blessing
7:00pm: Soul Cakes & Storytelling
7:30pm: Candlelight "Bone" Dance
8:30pm: Reflection & Closing
*Please ensure you can attend the full event before registering*
What to Bring
Ancestral Remembrances
Photo(s) of departed family or friends or small belongings of your deceased beloved (jewelry, letter, book, etc.)​
Altar Offering(s)
Ideas include unscented candles, flowers (perhaps a type of flower one of your departed relatives liked or grew), or food/candy that your departed loved one liked to eat.
What to Wear
For the dance portion, you will want a flexible base layer. Otherwise, we invite you to fully embrace this occasion however you like! Ideas include black clothing, ritual wear, headdresses, capes or cloaks, or whatever else feels festive. Another idea is to wear a piece of clothing or fabric that belonged to a relative that has passed on. Come casual and comfy or go all out ~ it’s up to you!
More Information
What is Samhain?​
Samhain (“SAH-win”) is a Gaelic word that describes the half-way point between the Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. During this time the veil between this world and the spirit world is thin. People from many cultures hold ceremonies and festivals that honor the dead and invite deceased loved ones to connect with them. While many celebrate Samhain on Halloween, some following traditional practices may look to the moon, stars, and celestial events for a more astrological determined festival day. This year, "astrological Samhain" occurs on November 7 at 5:58pm ET.
Saining & Soul Cakes
Saining is a Celtic practice of burning specific herbs or evergreen as a means of blessing a space. Sain derives from the Gaelic word “Saen”, meaning “to charm” or “to make sacred”. Soul Cakes show up in many cultures with varying names. They are sweet biscuits with dried fruit in them and a common “Dumb Supper” food.
What are Ancestor Altars?
Ancestor altars honor our departed loved ones. Altars can include candles, photos of relatives who have passed, and meaningful items and offerings such as small belongings of our ancestors (like coins/jewelry), letters we write to them for the occasion, or an offering of a food/candy/drink that our departed relative(s) enjoyed.
What is Ecstatic Dance?
Ecstatic Dance is both modern and ancient. Ecstatic rituals show up in festivals and ceremonies throughout the world from Mayan and Aztec cultures in South America to Mesopotamia and ancient Greece. From ecstatic cave dances to drum and soul journeys, these embodied ceremonies connect us to our primal bodies, Mystery, and sometimes our ancestors. They move us into altered states and often ecstasy. Ecstatic Dance is an invitation to embody your power, intentions, emotions, yearnings, or prayers through movement. It is wild. It is sacred. It can be transformative and healing. Our intimate container will be lit with candles and those who are new to ecstatic dance will find a welcoming space to explore and experiment. Our music will be a blend of organica, entheogenic, and tribal dub ~ juicy beats to move and groove to!
Refund Policy​
No refunds are available for this retreat unless the organizer cancels the entire gathering. However, you may transfer your registration to another woman.